Data Recovery

Data recovery is the process of salvaging data from damaged, failed, corrupted, or inaccessible secondary storage media when it cannot be accessed normally. Recovery may be required due to physical damage to the storage device or logical damage to the file system that prevents it from being mounted by the host operating system.

Computer Science and Engineering

In computer science and engineering, computer architecture is the art that specifies the relations and parts of a computer system. Computer architecture is different than the architecture of buildings, the latter is a form of visual arts while the former is part of computer sciences.

Computer Maintenance

Computers are expensive, and with all big purchases, you probably want to protect your investment. Luckily, it is not difficult to keep your computer healthy and in good working order. Maintaining a computer involves three things: keeping it physically clean, protecting it from malware, and backing up your important files.

Computer hardware

Computer hardware is the collection of physical elements that constitute a computer system. Computer hardware refers to the physical parts or components of a computer such as monitor, keyboard, Computer data storage, hard drive disk, mouse, CPU (graphic cards, sound cards, memory, motherboard and chips), etc. all of which are physical objects that you can actually touch.


Computer software, or just software, is any set of machine-readable instructions (most often in the form of a computer program) that directs a computer's processor to perform specific operations.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

HDD Data Recovery Tools - PC Inspector File Recovery

     PC Inspector File Recovery - quite simple but, most importantly, a completely free tool to recover data on hard and floppy disks. It can take advantage of everyone by downloading the program from the developer's site ( The effectiveness of a medium - on the one hand, claimed opportunities to restore lost files, support for all file systems Windows; the other - in practice, the work program is working as it half-heartedly - restores something, and something can not see the "point-blank" . Given the fact that its developers also offer paid services to restore the lost information, it seems that the possibility of free PC Inspector File Recovery is intentionally flawed - otherwise who then there will be traded on a fee basis? ..

     In the PC Inspector File Recovery, are organized three major search engine and recover lost data. When the program starts immediately you are asked to choose one of the ways of further work (Fig. 1): Recover deleted files - restore deleted files in a standard way the OS, bypassing the recycle bin Windows, of course; Find lost data - recovery of lost information due to file system damage or formatted disks - one of the most popular tools; Find lost drive - search logical drives that are invisible to the operating system, and restore them. The latter option can be used if the logical drive containing the information deleted, that is missing from the partition table, and do not see the OS - in truth, it means in the PC Inspector File Recovery shows a very low efficiency.

(Fig. 1)

     When you choose one of the ways below to restore the program first scans your system, and then offers mext window, from which to select a logical drive that contains information of interest to recover. And if you select Find lost data or Find lost drive in the logical drive in the tab list, there are two logical drives, repeating each other (Fig. 2), which sometimes can be confusing. The first is the list of logical drives for each physical disk «on fixed disk ...», and then a list of logical drives, indicated by letter - just as they are seen by Windows. In general, the first and second lists often repeat each other, especially if the system has only one disk. If your computer has more HDD's, then the order of the sections for the individual drives in Windows, the list of symbols and logical drives will already be different - depending on the way in which, say, the sections were selected active in partitioning hard drives. If the hard disk has lost logical drives, then they can only be displayed in the list shown to the physical device («on fixed disk ...»). Information on the amount of detected hard disks and partitions can be seen in the tab Physical drive.

(Fig. 2)

     If the method of recovery was given, and a list of the logical drives in front of you, then further reduced to the user the choice to drive from one of the lists, which should contain the data of interest to him. When you double-click on it with your mouse starts scanning the selected logical drive, the time is determined by the size of the disk and the power of the computer - the process usually takes 10 to 30 minutes. After scanning window pops PC Inspector File Recovery, which displays the information available for recovery. If was used the mode Recover deleted files, then the data will be found in the Deleted folder in the PC Inspector File Recovery. When restoring by modes Find lost data or Find lost drive found to restore the data will be displayed in folders or Lost Root respectively. Usually the names of the directories in the root of the restored disk will not be saved and replaced with the name of the program such as cluster ... (Fig. 3), and the names of the subdirectories and files, usually retain their original names.

(Fig. 3)

     To save the files and directories you are interested, is enough to click on the right mouse button on a name in the right window of PC Inspector File Recovery, and then, after selecting the Save to, in the context menu the location of the object being restored (Fig. 4). There is no guarantee that, after going through all the steps and even maintain the appearance of the file on disk, it will then open correctly or work. It is also necessary to note that often the search and recovery of information in the root folder of Root, Deleted, Lost, Windows PC Inspector File Recovery does not appear pre-existing files with the name of the type cluster ... with unrealistic size, extension and creation dates.

HDD Data Recovery Tools (List of Software)

     Usually, all the operational information on any user's computer is stored on the hard drives. By themselves, the data on the hard disk are not protected from the action of any other programs or from accidental or deliberate user commands or by hardware failures that can lead to destructive consequences. As a result, valuable information may be lost due to random failures of programs, actions of viruses, user errors, or deliberate destruction by an attacker. What time does the estimated lost data - each defines for himself. This can often exceed the cost of the entire computer's worth and hard work.

     What if somehow you lost valuable files from HDD, or its logical drives all formatted or even deleted? Many believe that the data is lost forever. But it is not. Consider the most typical cases.

     How does deleting a file in the DOS or Windows operating systems using standard (passing, of course, shopping cart)? Although remote file and disappears from sight, but in fact the data on it is not immediately destroyed. Let's say you are removing, say, a file of several hundred megabytes - and it happens almost instantaneously, which could not possibly have happened if the operating system will be overwritten by all the clusters of the file. The operating system is simply renames the deleted file, adding a special label in the beginning of the name. The file is no longer visible - it is marked as deleted, but the information remains in the same place on your hard disk.

     An important addition: although the deleted file remains in the same place on the hard drive, but now it is the space available for recording new data on the first request, without any reservations. That is, if the record of this deleted file has occurred, previous data is lost forever. If nothing has been recorded, the deleted file is still possible to recover by using special software.

     Looks similar situation when formatting a drive. Simple formatting re-creates the file allocation table, which is now stated that the entire surface of the disk is empty. However, the previously existing data will not be erased intentionally and remain in their places. If in their place after formatting were not recorded new data, then disappeared in the process of creating a new format files can still be recovered using special software. The same happens when you delete and create logical partitions - create a new partition table, the new drives are considered empty, but most of the old information remains on their own place, but now it can not be accessed using standard OS. The exception is the so-called low-level format: while the entire surface of the hard drive is reset, data disappears forever.

     As can be seen, re-entry in the event of data loss is much more dangerous than even formatting the disk. Therefore, if it became clear that the data is still lost, in any case you can not write anything on the same disc, or better yet turn it off as long as no special tools will be developed for search and recovery. Particularly vulnerable in this is the system disk C. The operating system is constantly making official records on the system drive, randomly selecting the available recording space and erasing these deleted files. Important information in any case should not be stored on the C drive, while Microsoft has for some reason the default folder "My Documents" is always on the disc.

     If trouble came - you lost files, the logical drive format is not defined, a disk reformat, or deleted logical partitions - no need to panic. Chances are that valuable information can still recover. As mentioned above, for the complete destruction of the data would have to be systematically screw up the entire surface of the hard drive. Usually viruses are faster and produce only superficial damage. In the case of hardware or software failures, if the hard drive is physically operational, often is damaged FAT, but clusters remains intact.

     The data on the hard drive can be recovered using special tools that scan the surface, defining the logical structure and format partitions, seek out and retrieve lost files. Of course, the absolute guarantee can not be here, but in most cases in a timely and correct approach, it is possible to restore much of the lost information. Recovery program is always best to start with a different physical disk, and in any case does not make any entries on the disk with the lost information.

Here is a list of Tools for Data Recovery, click on one of them to read more about:

1. PC Inspector File Recovery
2. Ontrack Easy Recovery
3.Power Quest Lost & Found

How can you recover deleted files - quickly and free

          Deleting files by mistake or simply lost data from various causes are not so pleasant things that can happen to anyone. When such accidents occur, you must find a way to recover lost files. This process depends on how the data were lost. For accidental deletion, the solution is to use a file recovery program.

          The good news is that there are many programs, some for money, others free to recover files. Their effectiveness varies, some are better, some worse. For example, I stopped at a program that has two important advantages, it's free and very easy to use. It's called Recuva and can be downloaded here.

Deleting - recovering principle

          The bad news is that recovering deleted files is only possible under certain conditions. For those who do not know, I'll explain how simple it is possible to recover files. When you delete a file, it is not actually deleted but only "out of circulation". That is quite simply to be recovered.

          The main condition is to try to recover files before writing other data on that partition or hard drive. The more new files appear, the chances of recovery are small, because they will be copied over the erased.

Recuva - Free, simple and efficient

          Recuva can be used either through a wizard or without it, in the main window. If you prefer wizard, you must tick three steps: to specify the file type (image, document, etc.), to mention was the director before being deleted (optional) and choose scan mode. By default, calls to normal scan mode, it has the advantage of being very fast. Alternatively, you can choose Deep Scan mode, more thorough and lasting.

           I tested a few deleted files, intentional used Windows Explorer Shift + Delete to not be stored in the Recycle Bin. All were recovered without any problem, it was small files, recently deleted.

          Experience with such programs may differ. No one guarantees that, for example Recuva will be as effective on any computer. But Recuva has the advantage that it is free and very simple to use.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

What you need to know about motherboards

     No self-respecting computer user will buy a PC already configured often already obsolete components. But we have to admit: having a configuration can transform me into an adventure in the jungle IT. However, the choice of motherboard is one of the starting points.
     Most buyers are turning to computers preconfigured systems, taking into account those basic specs that give an overall PC performance. But if you want to put together a customized system with carefully chosen components, an important step is choosing the motherboard. Because this will condition subsequent configuration of the entire system. Although at first glance it seems a complicated operation that requires a lot of technical knowledge, but do not lose your temper, i will help you to understand.


     Overcoming criterion called producer, initially you should inquire format motherboard. But in the meantime this has been stabilized. Since its introduction in 1995 by Intel ATX format, surely now most home computers have preferred this option to determine not only the form of housing, but also the management of electricity. So most likely, you will opt for the classic ATX motherboard. But overall your culture, you should know that there are smaller versions MicroATX or Mini-ITX. They are consuming less power and therefore do not need to manage heat. A newer generation are BTX formats. Developed in 2004, emerged as a result of consuming power of new technologies, thereby generating increasingly more heat.


     Once past the gauntlet required size, we need to talk about the platform. Even here things are very complicated. How poor are likely to opt for the American Apple, you only have two options: Intel or AMD. It means if Intel recently as the steep prices compared to AMD, now, the two largest manufacturers of chips can be difficult to shoot a strictly by these two criteria. What came first: the chicken or the egg? a similar dilemma we are and we reach this point: pick first processor to know what the hardware platform we have to focus further or to choose first and then board a compatible processor? Most would vote for the first option, but there are arguments for the second. Anyway, it's better to target those boards that support a larger range of processors, in view of a possible upgrade. CPU choice is made depending on what you intend to do with your computer just setting. And here you have in mind especially the CPU speed. Only then will you turn to a corresponding socket. But this is already another story ...


     Perhaps the most delicate point of our discussion is the so-called chipset, considered the heart of the motherboard. It coordinates the entire system through two distinct parts: the Northbridge and Southbridge. The first is related to the processor data bus and RAM modules, while the second will connect the other components (hard drive, optical drives CD / DVD, video and sound cards, any components connected via PCI slots and other components connected via USB, serial, PS / 2). The two are separated physically, but communicate over a high-speed bus.
     Opting for a chipset manufacturer or another is done as needed (performance is not justified if excessive use resource intensive applications) and the maker of processors for which you chose. Thus, AMD will have to choose a product NVidia chipset, VIA, SIS, AMD or ALI, and for the Intel chipsets Intel, SIS, or VIA AU.
     Chipsets are implemented software for a specific set of drivers. Do not forget to keep the CD with every motherboard and reinstall the system to immediately install these drivers. Also on the CD in question will receive several programs, among which the most important is the CPU heat Monitoring of rotational speed of the cooler.


     Also, the chipset is also responsible for other features like sound card, video or network card, in which case you are exempt from additional expenses to be purchased separately. However, most of the new generation motherboards (especially the low end) offer this feature. It's good to know that integrated motherboards, especially graphics will feast greedy of system RAM. Besides more RAM you will need to have, never will warn that there will be some integrated cards performance. So if you want to play some newer games, opt for an independent video card, more performance than integrated motherboard.
     As many technologies implemented on new generations of motherboards, we can talk more. Whether it is the cooling or power consumption reduction, not to mention the chipset, the fact is that manufacturers are constantly moving.


     And if all this continues to be exposed to sound like gibberish, we invite you to apply simple rule of three. That is to consider the three market segments: Low end, Mainstream and High end.
Low end is where the emphasis is on price. Course, and facilities will be minimal. However, you get a computer that can handle it acceptable to all household needs. If new games, however, you may experience problems.
     Mainstream is the next step to try to keep an acceptable ratio quality / price. This segment addresses the future visionaries who want to find them ready.
     The last step definitely not interested. includes components not accept any compromise in terms of quality and prices are as.
     This applies to all electronic devices tiebreaker, but if the choice motherboards simplify considerably. A home user to IT-istic common interests will be most of the time, excited by a low end card that adds possibly a graphics card to be able to also enjoy the latest games.
     In what follows, we will build on places or banks (connectors, slots) available on a motherboard.  Settlement, their number and type vary depending on motherboard model, but basically, you will not face other connectors.

Thunderbolt, a cable for all devices

     PC users have dreamed of such a connection for years: fewer cables and computer peripherals to a high speed data transfer. These goals become reality with Thunderbolt: instead that users struggle with HDMI cables, VGA, DisplayPort, DVI, eSATA USB or FireWire, they may use one type of cable, Thunderbolt, for any of the categories of devices. And by the way, Thunderbolt achieve much higher transfer speeds than USB 3.0.

Thunderbolt arrives on Windows

     Thunderbolt is a new technology that is supported yet only a handful of devices, Apple was the first computer maker to integrate it (turbo)-connection in its models. Starting with 2012, Thunderbolt is aviable and on PC's. Large manufacturers such as Asus and Acer, had incorporate technology in ultrabooks.
Intel first introduced the technology in 2009, under the original name of Light Peak. The idea was that it acts as a universal interface, linking computers monitors, peripherals or other devices for entertainment. As its name suggests, it was planned to be based on an optical system for transmitting information, but reasons of expense, it was introduced in early 2011 as the current Thunderbolt, which uses electrical transmission. First-generation Thunderbolt uses copper wires. One of the advantages we have is that the Thunderbolt optic version is removed from the calculations, the contrary is an Intel Expected in specificafiile no explicit protocol for transmission type layer electrically and / or optically. The technology works irrespective of who provides the connection layer. Thus, Intel announced for next year generated a second Thunderbolt, which will have an optical data transmission system (that will use optical cables). All controllers that are integrated into devices that are already on the market should be able to be adapted to the new cable with minimum effort. The advantage of the new generation will be that, instead of cable 3 meter cable can be used 10 meters.

Data flows divided flexibly

     Another advantage of Thunderbolt technology, which uses parallel data channels operating in both directions (see chart below). These two duplex channels that are able to provide total by 10 Gb / s for each of the directions of transmission. A single cable can connect up to six devices, but they will have to divide between them all this bandwidth. The first benchmarks indicate that the maximum achieved in practice is not yet reached. For example, a RAID storage device from Promise was able to achieve 825 MB / s At first glance, it seems disappointing, considering that Thunderbolt's limit is 1250 MB / s (= 1.25 GB / s = 10 Gb / s). But here are some other limiting factors such as RAID controller.
Thunderbolt has great potential. In 2015, Intel wants to get with it at 50 Gb / s per channel for 2019 to reach 100 Gb / s.
     Glancing Thunderbolt protocol, we see that it serves two existing standards - PCI Express and DisplayPort (instead of the latter may be others, but we DisplayPort implementation used by Apple). Thunderbolt takes these two protocols and encapsulates them in his own Metaprotocol. For peripheral and host computer, they are visible as before, continuing to use them as before. Stack of Thunderbolt takes care of traffic and delivering data to the appropriate destination. Besides the "routing" of traffic, Thunderbolt supports other features such as hot-plugging. Thunderbolt's heart is the transport layer protocol: for example here to ensure synchronization devices. Another element that will benefit Thunderbolt technology is powered directly through the Thunderbolt cable, so peripherals (even the low consumption) need not to have mains power. Intel introduced the Thunderbolt specifications possibility that the cables of this type are suportafi up to 10W.

Conveniently, with new chips

     Excellent impression about the Thunderbolt is slightly overshadowed by the connection system. Although in terms of mechanical and electrical connector supports one miniDP the cable ends contains two transceivers that significantly increase production costs. Apple sells a Thunderbolt cable 2 meters with about 50 euros. Also, first-generation Thunderbolt controllers are expensive. But Intel is working on this issue and, in addition to high-end controllers next generation (which is known as Cactus Ridge), the company announced at IDF and low end controllers, cheap, such as L2210. This would introduce computer technology into the space available.

Optimize Computer Performance for Games

     It is no secret that most games are resource intensive. Granted, there are apps at least as greedy, but they are usually addressed to professionals equipped accordingly.
     So, whether we prepare to launch one of the latest games or camera editor, we need full computing power of the system provided. For any computer strain, while sometimes unknown, small applications or system processes that feast, in the background of its resources, resources that can improve the gaming experience sensitivity or speed of an application design acts or editing media.
     The app Game Booster is the assistance you need in such cases. Pressing a button will create the optimal environment to launch a resource-intensive applications by stopping temporary utility services which disappears in time. Another feature offered is the ability to defragment the application in question. A generous hard drive removes the need to defragment partitions, but such an application or game comes on one or more DVDs. Hence the much higher chances of fragmentation of files in their case that feels fragmented in processing speed tasks. If you are a gamer or flirted with large applications, it's time to call the Game Booster. Then everything comes about by itself ...
Free Download:
1. The interface is simplistic and very friendly. Do not forget that immediately after installation, follow the link Languages ​​to switch on support in Romanian.
2. Then, if you do not want to complicate, click the center button, Activate Game Mode. Thus, all services deemed unnecessary during the game will be stopped temporarily.
3. However, there are processes that serve applications such as antivirus or messenger indicated to remain in service. So click the link configuration.
4. From the list that appears in the new window, check only those services which can be considered as closed. Then confirm with OK. After completing the game or work with the application in question, click on the same central button to return to normal work.
5. The second step is to defrag the game or application. Game Defrag Enable register.
6. Now click the link Go back to select Another game / program and select the directory where you installed the program. Analysis process will begin automatically. If fragmentation report, it is clear that you can defragment the partition beforehand.
7. Press Defrag to recreate a single space to the applications.

Shortcuts for Windows, Internet browser and Office

     Shortcuts  are, or should be, a consistent finding in computer networking. Even if you use them frequently, we are sure that you will find our list and interesting variations.
     It is useless to talk about the miraculous benefits of using these key combinations. Efficiency and convenience of using a computer will improve significantly. And, after all, why the to be slaves of mouse! Be aware that it is not even indispensable, keyboard is still the main way of the order.
     So if you ignore facility before this mode, it is time to revise your attitude and start progressively to use as many shortcuts. This material is a good starting point, but try to develop constantly checked shortcuts. Remember that each application you use frequently has its own combination, which will often return the precious time that you would have lost navigating through the various menus in search of useful time.
     For the most common activities on PC are far different interactions with the operating system, Internet browser and text editor Word, i have focused on these applications.


     Most following shortcuts will take effect regardless of the version of Windows you are using. Windows key is left near the [CTRL], being marked by the symbol Windows.

Shift five times - Turn Sticky Keys function
     5 times pressing [Shift] key, you activate the easing intended use shortcuts. Thus, you will not be forced to hold the entire sequence of the shortcut. For example, the combination [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Esc] you can click on all the three and get the shortcut keys.
ALT + TAB - Switch between windows
     Hold down the [Alt] and press [TAB], releasing [ALT] will activate the next window applications. Continue holding down the [Alt] key repeatedly and act [TAB]. You'll succeeded among all active applications. Change the direction of navigation resorting to combination [ALT] + [SHIFT] + [TAB], acting first the [TAB] and repeatedly pressing [ALT] sail directly between open applications in the taskbar.
Windows + CTRL + TAB - Switch between media / windows
In Windows XP, this combination will be used only when you have no open window, just desktop. Access your desktop on all sections of the icons in the main section, continuing the Start button and shortcut bars the rest of the programs on Windows. In Windows Vista and 7 will thus enable Aero function that allows a 3D navigation through active windows pressing [TAB].
Windows + E - Launch Windows Explorer
     The easiest way to activate the default file browser.
Windows + D - Activate desktop
     Often we try to get to the start screen at a time closing all active windows. In Windows XP, a more elegant solution is to click on the Show Desktop icon located on the Quick Access toolbar (next to the Start button). But by far the most convenient and efficient method to achieve this is the use of desktop shortcuts.
Windows + R - Open the Run console
     What will save to your device via the Start menu.
* ALT F4 - Close the applications
     If you want to close as soon as your PC, repeatedly press this combination and will be closed all applications currently running until Shut Down menu appears. By default, it will be fixed on the Shut Down option, so you only have to press the [ENTER] key.
Shift + Delete - Delete definitely
     Select a file followed by pressing [Delete] has the effect of sending that file to the Recycle Bin. This combination avoid forwarding, deleting files permanently.
ALT + Enter - View Properties
     Assuming you have selected a folder or file.
CTRL + ALT + Delete - Enable Windows Task Manager
     A similar function has a combination [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Esc].
Windows + Alt + Enter - Launch Windows Media Center
     Valid only for Windows Vista and Windows 7.
Alt + Shift + Num Lock - Launch Mouse Keys function
     This function allows you to dispense all of the mouse. Cursor control and mouse button functions will be taken over keys, located in the right section of the keyboard.

Internet browser shortcuts

     Most shortcuts will work in both Internet Explorer and in Firefox, Opera or Chrome. Exceptions will be mentioned.

Ctrl + T - Open a new tab
     To access a different address without closing down of the assets.
Ctrl + W - Close the tab
     Close active tab only. Repeatedly pressing the shortcut will lead to close all tabs.
Ctrl + Shift + T - Reopening tab
     In case of accidental closing of a tab, you can fix the mistake by calling this combination of keys.
Ctrl + Alt + F4 - closing the inactive tabs all
     It is valid only for Internet Explorer browser. We close all tabs, except the one that you are at that moment.
Ctrl + Tab - Navigate through tabs
     It is equivalent Shortcut [ALT] + [TAB] in Windows.
Ctrl 1-9 - Activating tabs
     Hold down the [Ctrl], then press a number key. It will activate the tab that corresponds to that number (from left to right).
Ctrl +1 - Opening Bookmarks
     That function in Firefox Bookmarks and Favorites in Internet Explorer.
Ctrl + D - Bookmark
     It will open the address data set that you want to retain in collection of bookmarks.
Alt + N - Next time you are looking for
     If the shortcut [Ctrl] + [F] activates the search field, this will lead to the following terms found in the open page. It only works in Firefox.
Ctrl + L - Activates address field
     Very useful when you want to go to another address, that will enable and select the address. You only have to type the new address and press [Enter].
Ctrl + H - Open history
     To access the pages you have visited in the past.
Ctrl + J - View Download
     Open File Manager downloaded from the Internet via web browser in Firefox, Chrome and Opera, and Internet Explorer, the list of RSS resources.
Space - scroll vertically
You will not have to resort to vertical navigation bar to scroll through a document-wide.
Ctrl + + / -- Increase / decrease
     If you have trouble deciphering the text in a document online, click this shortcut. To return to the original size, use the shortcut [Ctrl] + [-].
Ctrl + Shift + P - Private Browsing
     Enable private browsing mode, for those who have access to the PC can not find your course online. Valid only in Firefox and Internet Explorer.
ESC - Stop loading
     Stop loading the current page, blocking animated GIF images once already to put parts that interest you.
F7 - Enable Caret Browsing function
     This allows you to browse text in a document published on a web page using the arrow keys. Valid only for Internet Explorer and Firefox.


     Shortcuts following modules are suited for Word and Excel, but most are available for the most popular free office suite.

Ctrl + B / I / U - basic formatting
     The most common text formatting remain evident by thickening, tilt and underscores.
Shift + End + Delete - Delete visible
     If you just want to mark portions of text you wish to remove, press the combination [Shift] + [End], then [Delete]. Now position the cursor at the beginning of the paragraph you want to mark it and press [Delete].
Ctrl + Space - Removing formatting
     Select a text and then operate this shortcut. All formatting will disappear as if by magic.
Ctrl + K - Insert a link
     A very useful function that allows the introduction of links in text documents. Thus, it can access both files stored on computer, and online resources.
Cltr + Alt + S - Split Window
     This is useful in cases where you want to watch while several parts of a document.
F7 - Verification
     Based on the default dictionary will check the text in terms of spelling and grammar. Combination [Shift] + [End] will activate the function Thesaurus.
Ctrl + - Inserting date
     Just for Excel. Press after selecting a combination of empty cells. Also, the shortcut [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [;] has the effect of introducing automatic accurate time. The data are currently displayed in the operating system.
Ctrl + 9 - Hiding Data
     Position the cursor on a cell and act this combination. The result: the entire row containing the cell will be hidden. But, probably, at some point, you want to reactivate this time. Select a few cells located in the immediate vicinity and press combination [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Esc].

Delete duplicate files easy and fast

     After prolonged use of a hard disk will gather many duplicate files. How is impossible to manually hunt them, we propose a dedicated application that will get rid of all the lumber. Caution: Do not include in your scans and files of the operating system and programs installed or uninstalled!

1. Download and install from here: DuplicateCleaner. During installation you will be given a bonus application. It is the Nitro PDF Reader, PDF customer has enough. If you do not already have a PC equipped with similar application, check the first option. If not, select it on the second.
2. Start the application. The first window will be prompted to select the language interface. Choose your language and click OK.
3. Next, another window will put you in mind that before using the application is recommended to create a backup of important data. Again click OK.
4. When you arrived at the location indication. In the first field of the section Search Paths, specify partition. Then in the field below, select possibly collection folder where you want to check.
5. Filters are pretty complete. First, click on the Select button. It will open a new window, where you select the type filenames (images, music, video, text, office documents, all).
6. In section 4 you Find Files With filters, as follows: files with same contents, same name, size or date. Select the ones that suit you.
7. But you can filter by size and by setting lower and upper limit.
8. The last section refers exclusively to audio files, namely the labels with additional information. So if you refer to them, check the Audio Search and then search condition (same artist, title, album). However, checking this option, you will disable those included in the first category, File Search.
9. Okay, after you have agreed on your search criteria, click on the Go button.
10. Conclusion coincides with the appearance of a window. Click on Close.
11. You have a list of duplicate files. Will not bother to manually select the files you want to delete, click the button Selection Assistant.
12. A window appears where you choose the selection criteria. The simplest way is to check the first option in the selected category for deletion by the group (it will select the first file in each group. Afterwards, click on the Select button for. However, you can select files and depending on the date, size, name etc.. finally, click Close.
13. Returning to the main window, click on Remove Selected button.
14. No rush, I have not finished. From the last window will have to choose how to delete / move duplicate files. Click the Delete Files button if you simply delete them. Confirm with Yes then action.
15. If you move them, click the button with the folder, create a folder and then click Move Files.
16. Check the option Remove empty folders to delete empty directories.
17. Mission accomplished. Close the two windows Close and Exit.

Efficiency of 100% in Windows 7

1. Eliminate shadows

     Windows 7 has a lot of interesting visual effects, but can irritate and impact the average user. I show, further, how to disable the shadow effect and OS themes around the cursor. Besides being not at all useful, this type of effect drains energy resources of the computer, when they could very well be used elsewhere, especially if you have a spaceship parked on the desk. So:
a) Click on Start.
b) Right-click the Control Panel and click System> Advanced System Settings.
c) Click on  Advanced and then on Settings button under Performance section registry from Visual Effect.
d) Click on register Visual Effect and then click the Custom button.
e) Uncheck Show Shadows under Windows.
f) Click OK.
g) If you want to restore the shading effect, go back to the register Visual Effect and tick Shadow. Those who want to eliminate the effect of shading or, on the contrary, to set it up:
a) Navigate again to register Visual Effect.
b) Check or uncheck Show shadows under mouse pointer.
c) Click OK.

2. Register your problems

     If you have computer problems and do not want to be annoyed with thousands of mobile IT consultant, you can get a very simple solution, especially for users of Windows 7: Windows Problem Steps Recorder.   The utility will record any activity performed on the computer in the course of several hours, giving real support person who will try to help you. So:
a) Type PSR in the Start menu search box to locate and use the application.
b) Click the Record button to continue work experience any of the problems you face thorny lately. PSR will make many a screen for any step, noting in log all your keystrokes and mouse clicks made.
c) When you are done, click the Stop button and save the file. Then send the file to someone who knows your problem solving.

3.Greater space without deleting anything

     We all tend to squeeze and store piles full of information, from photos to music, games and documents. We waste mountains of information and are seldom resort to sanitation, even if we have thousands of totally useless data. Worse is the new generation of hard drives does not help us at all by the increasing their size where we can store hundreds of gigabytes. What choice do we have? One would be to use an external storage medium ... But if such an investment is not on the priority list? Then know that Windows Vista and XP have a small utility that can save your budget:
a) Click on Start> My Computer.
b) Right click on one of the hard disks.
c) Click on Properties.
d) Activate the Compress contents to save disk space.
e) It will open a pop-up that asks if you want to apply changes to this folder only or all folders, sub-folders or files. Activate the Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and files.
f) The computer will start compressing the partition chosen, and the process will take a while, but in the end you can be sure that you have enough free storage space.
g) If you have a single file you want to compress, right click on it and select Properties> Advanced.
h) Check option Compress contents to save disk space.

4. Create a new library

     Windows 7 comes with six predefined libraries: Communications, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures and Videos. If not enough and you want to expand menu with a library or an archive of books, just ask and it will be explained how to do this:
a) Click the Start button and navigate to Accessories> Windows Explorer.
b) Access the Library folder and right click on an empty space within it.
c) Select the option New and soon after that click on Library.
d) Name your new library.
e) Right-click on the folder and select Properties.
f) Click the Add button to browse to the directory where you want to place the new library.
g) Click the Include Folder button.
h) Select the desired optimization Optimize this library from the Library list box for drop-down.
i) Click OK.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Proper management of hard disk

          Any hardware can be replaced, less hard drive full of personal data and valuable collections. Learn how to manage your hard disk information stored and, especially, what you have to do to keep them safe.
         Hard disk (HDD) is perhaps the most important component of our computer. Not materially, but information stored here are important documents, applications and even the operating system custom. That nearly all of a functional PC. And if we add valuable personal documents or collections. Overall, then you should have great confidence in this device. We do not want to imagine the despair caused by an error message like "HARD DISK INSTALL FAILURE" or "Primary master hard disk fail". Did you lose everything? Well, do not despair, there is always hope!
          The good news is your dates are probably still intact and safely on your hard drive, just for now, because no longer can access the index - which tracks all data from the hard disk - is damaged. And even if the fault is more serious, there are certain specialized personnel will recover all data. Just like all surgery will cost more surprising.
          But we hope to not get there. Is the purpose of this article: to save that money by preventing situations that are aimed at hard disk failure. And if you still are not answering the call data, we recommend a number of programs that can resuscitate (see  saving Applications).

Saving applications

          There are many applications to recover accidentally lost data. Besides the types of licenses and the companies behind them, they are addressed to OS file system dedicated. But differentiation does not end there. In the following / we will review the three major types of these applications, depending on their level of applicability. They complement each other, as far preferable to have an application installed in each category.
Prevention: This application will protect the system area of ​​the hard disk by copying her section or other data storage media. Thus, if the original index will be damaged, the software will know to restore the base backup. Example: DART Data Recovery
Data Recovery: useful when the operating system is still functional, but some data have been accidentally deleted, they are still partly or wholly on the HDD, but the lack of index. This offer is extremely rich. Be selective recovery applications are dedicated to each type of file. Example: Power Data Recovery
Child Safety: It works as an additional measure of safety. Automatically or manually backup the entire hard disk or other storage media, so that in case of missing data, you can recover them. Example: Instabackup Golgi

Do not you know?

          Most unsuspecting users think that a deleted file will disappear forever. Well, not so. Even if you do not discover in the Recycle Bin, it is still on the disk. To delete the file just disappears from the index entry disk. The space occupied by the current file will be available to serve other files copied later. This is called "overwriting" So it is possible to recover files by calling the dedicated programs. You can even recover such files in formatted memory units.

Defects resulting in loss DATA

          There are many reasons that can cause such loss: a virus, a power failure, the nature of various software or hardware failure, human error or even "accidents" caused. But to understand exactly what happens in these cases, you need to understand in advance the operation of a hard disk classical physics, and logical structure for storing and accessing data.


          This diagram reveals the main components that make up the physical structure of the hard drive. As you can see, it is built after the same principles as DJ turntables. Remember that we consider classical hard disks, those still working on mechanics. Although SSDs come strong after - hard drives based on flash memory quickly and quietly, are still too expensive and capacity constraints to be considered. You may have in mind to replace the system partition and to support the most sensitive data. But in the end, all the classics remain basic, so we refer to them in the following.
          First, housing is one airtight. Any speck of dust which penetrates hard drive will have catastrophic consequences. Then dynamic factors involved. Platters hard disks, made of special alloys, with a magnetic coating on both sides. They are rotated at speeds that can exceed 15,000 rpm the engine attached to a central axis.
          Data are managed by heads read / write. They never touch the disk surface, but the distance between the two is very small, so any sudden movement could result in a head touch the disk surface, which can lead to damage and even destruction of that turntable. This situation is described by the phrase "hard drive crash".
Burning and reading heads must move very quickly on the surface of the disc to collect data from various locations without the processing speed will be affected significantly. Multiply the number of platters 2 (since both sides of the platters are engraved) and get the number of automatic arms. But all arms moving simultaneously acting as one. Why? How to organize your logic ... but this makes the destruction of a turntable sometimes have fatal effects on the others. Of course, in these cases, the data can not be recovered.
          And the rest of hard drive components may be damaged. The face that controls movements rotors can burn due to power fluctuations. All these components can be replaced (except for the already mentioned when affected turntables). These operations are only so-called "clean rooms" perfectly sealed so as not to let any foreign object to penetrate around the worktable. For example, in such a camera, the certificate Class-100, it will be found more than 100 particles having sizes greater than 0.5 micron. And do not insist here on the equipment they will have such a laboratory dedicated hard disks.


          The logical structure of a hard disk defines how data is organized on the platters. It is similar when organizing content in books, where you have the content organized into chapters. This will allow you to locate a specific chapter or paragraphs in the whole works. In case of hard disks, we have section system (System Area), correspondence contents and section data (Data Area) for chapters themselves. Just as PCs have to manage tens of thousands of files. But not enough. Further, the data section is organized into tracks and sectors, illustrated graphically in the pictures above, so that the data file is stored on one or more sectors.
The logic that determines how to organize data on a storage medium is filesystem. It will decide how to engage, description, elements of data protection that we write on the media can be written retrieved, indexed and properly protected. Each of these environments only recognize a particular file system. Operating systems are also conditioned by them. For example, the default Windows XP works only with FAT or NTFS file systems.
          What interests us at the moment is that these systems will manage rules and file allocation table or index, located in the System section, based on which the files are found when clicking. And if this index will be damaged read head will be impossible to access the data section. All our information will still exist but will not be available due to system failure section. We have to deal with a logical structural damage. The difference from the first case of physical defects, is that this time we will not face a catastrophe. Dedicated data recovery programs (see Applications saving) will recover a good portion of the information that we thought lost forever, scanning sector by sector data section. More advanced programs can even restore a file stored on multiple sectors.


          The third largest category of why our data shows disappear from combining the two categories already stated. Generally, it is represented by corrupt sectors.
          The sectors affected by abrupt discontinuation of electric current during read or write operations. Data in corrupt sectors will be lost permanently. Some sectors are mistakenly flagged as corrupt, but these types of errors can be corrected (see you have corrupt sectors?).

You have corrupt sectors?
          You can find the answer very simple. Although there are specialized programs Windows operating systems come with a dedicated tool, here's what you have to do to start:
1. Access path Start> Run
2. Run console, type chkdsk command. And press [Enter]. In this way, the entire hard disk will be scanned and the results will be presented in a report. From here you will find out whether or not you corrupt sectors. But this will not be isolated or rights reinstated. But the command chkdsk / f will fix this problem.
1. From any file browser, right-click the partition you want to check and click Properties.
2. In the window, enable the registry Tools, then click the Check Now button found in the first section.
3. In the Check Disk window, check both options that you are offered (to fix errors found and try to recover data from corrupted sectors).
4. Click on Start.

          You will know that you are suspected of "bad sectors" since the system startup when after surgery boot, Windows Scan Disk program triggers.
Access the CHKDSK utility to permanently delete corrupt sectors, Otherwise that they can not be used or endanger the data stored here (see box you have corrupt sectors?). If you find too many bad sectors, you should consider buying a new hard disk.
          Corrupt sectors are inevitable. But you can substantially reduce their operating system correctly closing (turning to Shut Down function). It is also recommended to purchase a protection against outages and voltage fluctuations (for UPS). Otherwise, do not hesitate to put into practice our tips to prevent loss of data stored on the hard drive (see Tips for prevention).

Prevention Tips
1. Do not turn off the computer brutal, out of its socket or by long pressing the power button. Always call the classical way - Start> Turn off computer.
2. Do not move your computer while it works. In the case of laptops, if you still have to move, do not make sudden movements.
3. Run the Windows Disk Defragmenter application often (at least once a month). Thus, the chances of recovering your data will substantially increase.
4. If the hard drive is already damaged or you have accidentally formatted not copy or install new files and other applications. They will write over data that you no longer can access yet.
5. Do not place electrical equipment fitted with magnets such as speakers, near the hard disk.
6. Purchase laptops with hard drive protection mechanism to shocks. Another option would be to choose you more expensive SSD hard drives. Lack of movement of these mechanisms eliminate many of the causes of accidental loss of data.
7. Use antivirus applications and performing preventive updated often. Also often transfer important data on optical media. Warning though: they do not have a shelf life infinite!
8. Run Windows Scan Disk utility at least once a month. It can detect and possibly isolate corrupt sectors.
9. Acquire a UPS source, it will provide shelter fluctuations or interruptions.

The most active security holes - second part


          Each of these vulnerabilities could be the subject of an article by itself, but it will get overlooked whole problem. As in other cases it is with the data that you voluntarily post on social networks, blogs, Twiter etc. All these data can be used for not so favorable to you. Examples are endless, yet many continue to ignore this danger.    Unfortunately, sooner or later some of them will pay.
          Facebook is clearly the fashion of the moment. Any exceeds a certain popularity should put you on guard, because hackers are interested in everything from fashion and as used. It is clear that neither Facebook is no exception. Articles announcing the daily emergence of new and new vulnerabilities of the platform we speculated the creeps. We can not even trust the authenticity of a message from a close friend. When it comes to applications, things tend to get out of control. Have you noticed that when you join an application, you are informed that access confidential data. Similarly, most mundane games last information extracted to personal data. And not just yours! But attention of all who are in your list of friends, as wide open new doors ...
          Facebook: access the My Account> Privacy Settings. In the section of web pages and applications, click Edit your settings link. It will display all applications and services causes that have joined. Click the Change settings link next to those whose rights you want them restricted.
          Think twice before you publish information about you on these media. The fact that you already have an account on this will appear in the database profile to establish a working exactly as yours. You say that this is the future, but let's try not to build such a future together.
          Be very selective with applications, or test cases to share with your account. And occasionally visit your profile privacy settings (see picture) or to remove all these applications have started to creep up on your account, or to reduce them access to your personal data. Many users ignore account settings. You will be very surprised to discover what you can do here. Especially platform is entirely translated, you will not have difficulty in choosing settings, including security, suitable for both social type that you want, and to prevent future attacks.


          Another starlet of the moment's Twitter site. Embedded in the messages they receive from various acquaintances whose work a watchlist and some links. The application too long are shortened in order not to too much message content. This one plays and cybercriminals are no longer forced to embellish their own links to sites trap.
          Do not rush to click on links that are not fully displayed. On the other hand, there are clients for Twitter to fix the problem, posting links. Our recommendation is called TweetDeck ( After installing the application directly from the manufacturer's website, click on the Add button and then type your Twitter account login Twitter.

8. Dirty SITES

          Dirty sites are recognized as being more prone to host malware can transfer your computers anytime. Especially those who make a habit of visiting such sites and always trying other and other sensations eventually will end up being infected.
         It's redundant to continue with advice like: no access ... which still can be, not only for this kind of websites is to seek specialized applications. For example, Try AVG Link Scanner ( Immediately after installation, you will need to update the database. Then, the application will run in the background, warn you when you access a website which appears dangerous in its database.

9. Advertising Online

          A lot of internet usage is occupied by dialing search engines. Indexing techniques are well known web pages and very easy to use, because, among the results of searches, to be inserted and addresses dangerous sites. Searches are preferred especially those aimed name stars or sensational news.
          Do not rush to click on any link displayed in the list of answers provided by search engines. If possible, opt for recognized sources. However, the application LinkScanner will prove useful in this case.

10. Downloading via torrent

          Admit it or not, many of us access websites that mediates type-torrent networks. Not only are most downloaded pirated material, but as such services do not have any security solution, nothing will stop the virus.
          To advise you not to download anything using torrents? We know that is not a realistic solution. You can still do something. Put the old computer at work. You do not need who knows what resources to access and use torrents. And obsolete PCs will do. Installed on this PC a current antivirus and scan all downloaded materials. Leave them a few days and make sure you have no nefarious action. In this way, the system is not compromised, which have important collections and personal data.

General Tips

Enable automatic update of your antivirus software. It is virtually useless without the latest virus signatures.
Make a regular full check of the entire system by antivirus software updated.
Always maintain antivirus actively monitoring mode.
Activate and automatic update of the operating system and Internet browser.
The backups are the ones that will get out of most trouble. Do not hesitate to opt for a dedicated solution.
Do not open attachments from strangers and navigate carefully, especially on sites you do not know and ... exotic origin.
Do not use the same password for multiple virtual services. If you have multiple accounts online, maybe it would be time to call a password manager to make sure you do not forget any. Because recommend passwords long with both letters and numbers in the component. They are harder to crack.
Do not trust Internet offers. Nobody gives surprise prizes without the dubious interests.
No application is totally secure. No site, link or material offered for download. Sometimes a dose of paranoia does not hurt.

The most active security holes - first part

          Internet is the main source of our computer infections. The most popular sites and online services  hide ingenious traps. Learn what they are and how you can stay away from them.
Warning: the internet is not always what it seems.
          Even known websites with great popularity, with back strong companies and institutions can be a mask for something else. Some just hide the interests of marketing, promotion and advertising, but others turn into real weapons against our computers. Bots that promise answer to any questions, videos watched online or fake security programs, downloadable from very inviting websites will turn into a key that opens the gateway to the resources of your PC.
          Can you harness the most powerful and expensive antivirus and security solutions without information you can not provide shelter. This article aims to reveal just the most active such pitfalls of the internet, for the future, not to fall into the category of victims and you can enjoy the good parts of it.
          You will meet and the nature of software vulnerabilities. Yes, but all the internet is one that diffuses most applications that can turn into a real Trojans.
          Each category of International traps will be accompanied by an indication of the degree of risk, as well as a section of recommendations for avoiding them.

1. ADOBE FLASH websites

          Adobe Flash is a player embedded in browser that allows viewing online multimedia materials, and run directly from sites other animation applications. Is thus present on 99% of computers connected to the Internet, which makes it a favorite target for malware.
But the problem is not the player itself, but its how to manage their cookies. Specifically, when you access online video, will retain certain information on that page (eg, how do you set the volume). These cookies are not deleted together with the others. Conclusion: a large entrance gate viruses and ensuring their presence long as the host computer.
          Well, the most effective method to be as safe as is to update as frequently as application (get. Adobe. Com / flashplayer). You may be wondering how you can block access to these cookies. There are several methods. For example, the Firefox browser are dedicated to Better Privacy extension. But the most direct way is to access the control panel of the player from the Macromedia website ( Here you can see the whole list of sites that already have cookies stored on our computer, but what is more important, you can limit the disk space used by them. 
          Adobe Flash Player: once arrived at the spot, access Global Storage Settings, Set the slide bar to the far left and uncheck all options found below. Then, goto  Website Storage Settings and act similar.


          But attackers are not limited to Adobe when it comes to players. Another similar application persistently hunted is QuickTime, another player used for viewing online content. Both Windows Users, and the Mac faced with numerous infections based on the mentioned program.
          Again we recommend a regular update. The Apple and Windows quite frequently launch such packages for QuickTime and Windows Media Player.
          Another recommendation, but as general, is to not download any video. Make sure the source is reliable and that you really need that clip.
          Asking us the source of the problem, we found that statistically cybercriminals are using RTSP protocol. Dodging us to enter data too technical, we merely recommend disabling this option (see picture).
          QuickTime: go to File> Preferences> QuickTime Preferences. In the new window, click on Advanced registry. Here uncheck RTSP Proxy Server.


          Ironically, it was precisely those who should protect you turn into time bombs. Fake security applications look and behave exactly like the real ones. The first sign of danger warnings are becoming more aggressive.
          The internet is the culprit this time. Sites victims draw ears or hidden insistently recommending installing a security tool to computer healing. Some go even further: offer trial versions, hoping the prices very competitive to attract more clients. I mean, after a virus that is stuck with more and pay for it! Height of shamelessness!
          It is clear that we should not be fooled downloading unknown solutions from suspicious addresses. But ingenuity of those who are behind these applications is sometimes exuberant, sometimes reaching our computers they matter how cautious we are. Once arriving there, they start to behave as such. If you see warning messages that do not come from the official antivirus, stop all activity and restart the computer. Try to enter in Safe Mode (holding down F8 at startup) and follow a full scan using antivirus real. It is possible that malicious application missing from antivirus signatures and then you have to resort to a tool that detects danger only after virus behavior in the system (as ThreatFire).
So, before downloading an exotic security solution, take a look at one of the sites that offer lists of fake gear. Such a pretty complete database is available at

4. Automatic update drivers

          At about the same hazard category and applications get updated dedicated drivers. Specifically, are those programs that offer to scan your drivers installed on your computer, and will compare them with the latest versions appeared on the websites of manufacturers to install in place of the old. In theory it sounds good, but once left open, these applications can be fooled by fake drivers shuffled trusted sites or act just like false security applications.
          You do not have to be drastic. You can still use these applications, but only to detect outdated drivers. Then download alone on the official websites of manufacturers, new drivers.
          An updated antivirus will detect suspicious discharges. So do not forget to armored with new antivirus signatures often.

5. Infested PDF's

          Behold, slowly but surely infected PDF attacks came on top of profile charts. According to Symantec statistics, in 2009 they had reached 49% of all attacks launched from the Internet. Tremendous growth, considering that a year ago was only 11%.
Operation: slipped under false names reliable websites will speculate PDF customer programming errors, infiltrating your computers, especially to steal confidential data.
          A new wrinkle is to insert something apparently useful in the PDF attachments with viruses. When you open such a document, the customer will be offered to open PDF and attachment. A bad idea would be to and confirm the action ...
          Because Adobe Reader is the most popular PDF client, it is normal for it to be the most vulnerable. Therefore, perhaps it is time to call a competitor leaner and more secure, Foxit Reader (
          If you want to stay true to the Adobe solution, at least make sure you are using the latest version ( / reader /).
          But if both applications disable function allows opening non-PDF attachments will save the other emotions (see picture).
          Adobe Reader: function uncheck Allow Opening of non-PDF file attachments with external application following the path Edit> Preferences> Trust Manager.

Stable system - Part 3 (Windows 7)

7. Deleting backups

          I have repeatedly proclaimed the need to create backups only, at a time, to taste bitter goblet ourselves of foolishness. Since then, we all have a DVD image of the operating system, just in case. However, what's too much hurt in this case and there are times when you need to release the hard disk actually so many and so many copies. If in Windows XP and Vista, it is possible to define backup and deletion of the tools present in Disk clean-up, things are a little different in Windows 7. Find further what you need to do:
a) Open Windows Explorer and right-click the C partition, the operating system.
b) Select the Properties option from the context menu and then the Clean Up button in the System Restore and Shadow Copies section in this register More Options.
c) Click the Delete button in the query window will announce that all copies will be removed, except for the recently completed. Shadow copies are still useful, especially if you often work with documents, because the operating system creates multiple copies of the same file.

8. No password

          Only you use the computer, but is set to go into standby mode after a certain period, must always insert the password. This happens and out of screensaver and power-saving mode. Definitely, the process is a waste of time, but what can you do? Nothing more than just follow the tips:
a) The change can be made in energy options. However, setting the charge is hidden well among other options. Fill in the Start menu search box with power options terms and press [Enter].
b) Click on the left side Require a password on wakeup and select Do not Require a password button.
c) Confirm changes with Save .
d) Now click the Change plan settings link next to the chosen scheme of Section Select a power plan.
e) Select Change advanced power settings, click the + sign next to the name of the scheme and then click Require a password on wakeup.
f) No input selection from the drop down menus for On battery and Plugged in options.
g) Confirm with OK and leave the last window by clicking Save changes. At this point, you will be able to work as soon as you come out of standby or screensaver.

9. Further details

          If necessary, the Task Manager can display all active processes at a time, but if you want to know more information on this, you must perform some changes or display mode. Open the application using Ctrl + Shift + Esc  or Ctrl + Alt + Del.
a) Select the Processes register and click the menu View > Select Columns.
b) Identify the Image Path Name list entry and select it.
c) OK and check the Task Manager's window. Before the Description column should be and that you just activated it.

Stable system - Part 2 (Windows 7)

5. Accelerate the displaying

          In Windows 7, if you hold the mouse cursor over a window from taskbar a long period of time, the system will display an icon with it. If you are a hurry, you want to reduce the time required to activate this function, especially as the small display window is delayed by 400 milliseconds. But rest assured, because this function of the operating system can be customized using a Windows Registry key.
a) To enter the registry, type regedit into the search phrase the Start menu and press [Enter]
b) Navigate to the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ ControlPanel \ Mouse.
c) To customize the time, double-click the right side of the entrance Mouse Hover Time.
d) The displayed value is measured in milliseconds and is the time you need to spend your cursor over an item until action is executed, where's our thumbnail display. Change the value to 100 and click OK to confirm the action.
e) Close the Windows Registry and reboot. From this point on, you will see how the preview window appears almost instantly.

6. Switching between applications

           Windows 7 by default hides many of the symbols in the taskbar and it would be preferable to extend the display time for some of them. You can adjust the display mode icons individually for each program and as needed.
a) Right-click on an empty space on the taskbar and choose Properties from the context menu.
b) Select the Taskbar and click the Customize button in the Notification area.
c) The next window contains a list of all applications that have a correspondent in the taskbar or have ever had one. Identify the program that interests you and click on the drop down menu associated with it on Show icon and notifications.
d) Repeat step for each program that you want displayed when active. Installed and recently used programs need to repeat the procedure. Avoid using the option Hide icon and notifications for important applications because some notifications may go unnoticed.
e) The settings will be applied after clicking OK and reboot.

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