1. Eliminate shadows
Windows 7 has a lot of interesting visual effects, but can irritate and impact the average user. I show, further, how to disable the shadow effect and OS themes around the cursor. Besides being not at all useful, this type of effect drains energy resources of the computer, when they could very well be used elsewhere, especially if you have a spaceship parked on the desk. So:a) Click on Start.
b) Right-click the Control Panel and click System> Advanced System Settings.
c) Click on Advanced and then on Settings button under Performance section registry from Visual Effect.
d) Click on register Visual Effect and then click the Custom button.
e) Uncheck Show Shadows under Windows.
f) Click OK.
g) If you want to restore the shading effect, go back to the register Visual Effect and tick Shadow. Those who want to eliminate the effect of shading or, on the contrary, to set it up:
a) Navigate again to register Visual Effect.
b) Check or uncheck Show shadows under mouse pointer.
c) Click OK.
2. Register your problems
If you have computer problems and do not want to be annoyed with thousands of mobile IT consultant, you can get a very simple solution, especially for users of Windows 7: Windows Problem Steps Recorder. The utility will record any activity performed on the computer in the course of several hours, giving real support person who will try to help you. So:a) Type PSR in the Start menu search box to locate and use the application.
b) Click the Record button to continue work experience any of the problems you face thorny lately. PSR will make many a screen for any step, noting in log all your keystrokes and mouse clicks made.
c) When you are done, click the Stop button and save the file. Then send the file to someone who knows your problem solving.
3.Greater space without deleting anything
We all tend to squeeze and store piles full of information, from photos to music, games and documents. We waste mountains of information and are seldom resort to sanitation, even if we have thousands of totally useless data. Worse is the new generation of hard drives does not help us at all by the increasing their size where we can store hundreds of gigabytes. What choice do we have? One would be to use an external storage medium ... But if such an investment is not on the priority list? Then know that Windows Vista and XP have a small utility that can save your budget:
a) Click on Start> My Computer.
b) Right click on one of the hard disks.
c) Click on Properties.
d) Activate the Compress contents to save disk space.
e) It will open a pop-up that asks if you want to apply changes to this folder only or all folders, sub-folders or files. Activate the Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and files.
f) The computer will start compressing the partition chosen, and the process will take a while, but in the end you can be sure that you have enough free storage space.
g) If you have a single file you want to compress, right click on it and select Properties> Advanced.
h) Check option Compress contents to save disk space.
4. Create a new library
Windows 7 comes with six predefined libraries: Communications, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures and Videos. If not enough and you want to expand menu with a library or an archive of books, just ask and it will be explained how to do this:
a) Click the Start button and navigate to Accessories> Windows Explorer.
b) Access the Library folder and right click on an empty space within it.
c) Select the option New and soon after that click on Library.
d) Name your new library.
e) Right-click on the folder and select Properties.
f) Click the Add button to browse to the directory where you want to place the new library.
g) Click the Include Folder button.
h) Select the desired optimization Optimize this library from the Library list box for drop-down.
i) Click OK.
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